1502 Cleaning up install temporary files for S3 driver: %s.
1503 The shutdown phase of install has begun for S3 driver: %s
1504 Cannot open Set File; no temporary Setup Archive files deleted (driver id: %s).
1505 Because the win.ini was modified by this install, the win.ini was flushed so the win.ini changes could take effect.
1506 The install temporary files were not deleted because the Set File could not be read (%s) .
1507 The phase 3 driver shutdown is ok (%s).
1510 Setup cannot continue because Driver IDs (SKU numbers) could not be retrieved from the command line.
1511 Setup cannot continue because a Driver ID (SKU number) could not be retrieved from the response file (%s).
1512 Setup cannot continue because an administration server name was not specified in the response file (%s).
1513 Setup cannot continue because the software license for %s prohibits it from being installed to server %s.
1514 Setup cannot continue because the specified Driver (SKU #%s) in the response file (%s) is not supported by the install you are performing.
1516 The reg key where the install setup files are stored (to be deleted by cleanup) could not be opened.
1517 For the shutdown phase of install, the set file could not be found, so cleanup of install temporary files did not complete and the OpenFile Case did not complete.
1518 The path of the setup.exe is neccessary for the restart that is required so that files that were open during install can be replaced. The setup.exe path could not be found.
1519 The attempt to get token priveleges for restart failed: windows api(%s), GetLastError value(%d). Please restart your machine to get full functionality from the programs you just installed.
1601 Exit Setup
1602 Are you sure you want to exit?
1603 The installation has not yet completed.\n\nIf you exit Setup now, the applications will not run properly.However, you can resume the installation later, and it will continue from this point.\n\nAre you sure you want to exit?
1604 Exiting Setup
1605 Setup did not install any program files or modify any system files.\n\nWhen you are ready to install, run this Setup program again.
1606 When you are ready to resume the installation, run this Setup program again.
1607 Component
1608 Path
1609 Space Required
1610 - %d of %d components will be installed
1611 No component is selected.\n\nClick a component in the list before you click Change Path.
1612 No component is selected.\n\nClick a component in the list before you click the Components button.
1613 This component is a vital part of your application. If you do not install this component, and it has not been previously installed, your application will not run correctly.\n\nAre you sure you want to deselect it?
1615 Corel WordPerfect Suite 8 Setup
1616 Corel WordPerfect Suite 8
1617 Corel WordPerfect Suite 8
1618 Insufficient Disk Space
1619 MB free
1620 MB
1621 Compact Installation
1622 CD-ROM Installation
1623 Previous Component
1624 Previous Path
1625 Setup Type
1626 Component Name
1627 Filename
1628 Description
1629 This product has no Release Notes.
1630 No Release Notes are selected.\n\nClick a filename in the list before you click View.
1635 Corel office applications
1636 Preparing for Setup. Please wait...
1638 Installation Information
1639 No components are selected for installation. Are you sure you want to continue?
1644 Removable Drive
1645 Fixed Drive
1646 RAM Drive
1647 Network
1648 Local
1649 Run from CD or Network
1650 Required Components are required programs and features that are used by multiple suite applications, such as the File Open dialog, the print processor, and more.
1651 Required Components
1652 Accessories are optional programs and features that are used by multiple suite applications, such as Spell Checker, QuickFinder, and more.
1653 Accessories
1654 Folder Name Error
1655 Access denied to path: %s\n\nIt is likely that you do not have rights to this folder (or to create it, if it does not yet exist).
1656 The specified path is invalid: %s\n\nA pathname cannot contain any of the following characters: \ / : * ? < > |
1657 The specified path is invalid: %s
1658 Long filenames are not supported by the drive %s
1662 Folder: %s does not exist. Do you want to create it?
1663 Exit Remove Program
1664 Are you sure you want to exit?
1665 Exiting Remove Program
1666 The Remove program did not remove any program files or modify any system files.\n\nIf you want to remove Corel applications at a later time, run the Remove program again.
1667 Space Available
1668 Drive or UNC Path
1669 Notepad.exe, the Windows text viewer, cannot be found.
1670 &Install program files to network location:
1671 &Install required workstation files to drive:
1672 Required Components are those features that are required for the program to run.
1673 Required Components
1674 This drive contains removable media.\n\nTo run correctly, your application will require the media to be in the drive.\n\nDo you want to continue?
1675 Select the shared Windows folder then click OK.
1676 This component will be removed because you are installing the same version of the component to a different path.
1677 This component will be removed because you are installing the same version of the component using a different setup type.
1678 This component will be removed because you are installing an older version of the component to the same path.
1679 Incomplete Setup
1680 Corel applications main workstation path
1681 Certain required components will be removed because you can only have one copy on your system.
1682 Certain required shared components will be removed because you can only have one copy on your system.
1683 Certain optional shared components will be removed because you can only have one copy on your system.
1684 Workstation Installation
1685 &Update current server installation on %s
1686 Some files installed at Setup time may have been modified since installation. Removing these modified files will not remove any personal documents or files created while using Corel applications.
1687 Compressed Drive
1688 removeen.hlp
1689 No applications are selected for removal. To continue, you must select an application.
1690 Remove Program Information
1691 Please ensure that you have READ and WRITE rights on\n\n%s\n\nYou will not be able to continue the installation on this server\nwithout these rights.
1692 Server Rights
1693 This component is a vital part of your application. You cannot deselect it unless you are doing a Custom installation.
1694 Marginal Disk Space
1695 Invalid UNC path, you must have a valid server and volume name
1696 WordPerfect, Presentations, Quattro Pro, Desktop Application Director, and Envoy.
1697 WordPerfect only.
1698 CorelFLOW, Corel Screen Saver, Sidekick, Dashboard, and TrueType fonts.
1699 You are now ready to install the workstation files to the following path:
1700 %s\ is not accessible. The device is not ready.
1701 WordPerfect, Presentations, Quattro Pro, InfoCentral, Desktop Application Director, and Envoy.
1702 WordPerfect only.
1703 CorelDRAW, CorelFLOW, Corel Time Line, Corel Screen Saver, Sidekick, Dashboard, and TrueType fonts.
1704 Invalid Serial Number
1705 The serial number is not valid. Do you want to continue anyway?
1706 Could not open readme file
1707 Error Verifying Path
1708 Too many backslashes together.
1710 The license agreement file %s cannot be found.\nSetup cannot continue without this file.
1711 Too Many Fonts Selected
1712 &Components...
1713 &View Font...
1714 Save Selections
1715 Your selections will be saved to the following response file:
1716 To save your selections, click Save.
1717 &Save
1718 NOTE: Click Help for more information.
1719 Use UNC (Universal Naming Convention) paths for workstation installations.
1720 Require workstation drive mappings to match those used in this server installation.
1721 Setup8en.hlp
1722 You cannot deselect the default document language.\nYou must first set another language as the default.
1729 The specified path is a long folder name: %s\n\nYou chose to force the use of short folder names. You may continue or change the path to a short name.
1730 Long Folder Name Detected
1731 A previous installation of an older version was detected. Select the migration options to perform, and then click next.
1732 To use the location of files setting of the previous installation as the default Location of files in this installation, select the checkbox below.
2001 Fatal Error creating response file %s.
2002 Successful creation of response file %s.
2003 The User Interface is being initialized.
2004 The User Interface is finished.
2005 The user has exited from the User Interface.
2006 Error creating File Group %s in Module %s %s.
2007 Successful creation of File Group %s in Module %s %s.
2008 Error querying database for File Group %s in Module %s %s.
2009 User has selected File Group %s in Module %s %s.
2010 User has deselected File Group %s in Module %s %s.
2011 Error creating Location %s.
2012 Successful creation of Location %s.
2013 Error querying database for Location %s.
2014 Error creating Module %s %s.
2015 Successful creation of Module %s %s.
2016 Error querying database for Module %s %s.
2017 User has selected Module %s %s.
2018 User has deselected Module %s %s.
2019 Error creating Product %s %s.
2020 Successful creation of Product %s %s.
2021 Error querying database for Product %s %s.
2022 User has selected Product %s %s.
2023 User has deselected Product %s %s.
2024 Error creating Shipped File %s in Module %s %s, File Group %s.
2025 Successful creation of Shipped File %s in Module %s %s, File Group %s.
2026 Error querying database for Shipped File %s in Module %s %s, File Group %s.
2027 User has selected Shipped File %s in Module %s %s, File Group %s.
2028 User has deselected Shipped File %s in Module %s %s, File Group %s.
2029 Successful creation of Dependant File Group %s, Module %s %s, for File Group %s, Module %s %s.
2030 Error querying database for Dependant File Group %s, Module %s %s, for File Group %s, Module %s %s.
2031 Successful creation of Product Module %s %s, %s %s.
2036 The license for this software prohibits %s from being installed to server %s.
2101 Cannot access %s in Installed Profile.
2102 Cannot access %s in Shipped Profile.
2103 Cannot open Response File: %s.
2104 Cancel Product: %s.\nError: %s
2105 Product: %s not removed from Installed Profile\nbased on Custom Code determination.
2106 Product removed from Installed Profile: %s
2107 Ending processing of Product: %s.
2108 Canceling processing of Product: %s.
2109 Product has been marked as installed: %s
2110 Product not installed: %s
2111 Product added to Installed Profile: %s
2112 Cannot create Location: %s. \n\nYou can resume the install after this is fixed.
2113 Location: %s\ncannot be written to.\n\nYou can resume the install after this is fixed.
2114 Location: %s\ndoes not exist.\n\nCannot continue the install.
2115 Location %s\n was created on your system.
2116 Deinstalling Module: %s.
2117 Migrating Settings from Module %s to Module %s.
2118 Ending processing of Module: %s.
2119 Canceling processing of Module: %s.
2120 Module not installed: %s %s
2121 Section/Item not found in RSP file: %s
2122 Cannot read from Installation Profile
2123 Invalid same Product scenario found
2124 Invalid older Product scenario found
2125 Invalid newer Product scenario found
2126 Corel Application Management Directory not in RSP
2131 Starting translator
2132 Product not found: %s
2133 Canceling install data
2134 Beginning Shipped File data: %s
2135 Shipped File added to Installed Profile: %s
2136 Not enough memory
2137 Ending translator
2138 User Custom File added to Installed Profile: %s
2151 Starting install
2152 Ending install
2153 SF netresident copy success: %s
2154 Unable to copy file: %s
2155 Cannot load decompressor: %s\n\nYou can resume the install once this file is available.
2156 Stopping Archive: %s
2157 Workstation file complete: %s
2158 Archive ready: %s
2159 Archive completed: %s
2160 Archive error, could not decompress: \n\n%s\n\nThe archive is probably corrupt: \n\n%s\n\nYou can resume the install once this is fixed.
2161 Disk Full. There are %sMBs left to copy. \n\nYou can resume the install once you have freed up\n\nenough disk space.
2162 Starting Shipped File: %s
2163 Shipped File Installed: %s
2164 Starting File Group: %s
2165 Ending File Group: %s
2166 The Location %s is different from a previous install. Installation cannot continue
2171 Ad Object Load Failed: %s
2172 Archive Object Load Failed: %s
2173 File Group Object Load Failed: %s
2174 Driver Object Load Failed: %s
2175 Shipped File Object Load Failed: %s
2176 Language Object Load Failed: %s
2177 Module Language Object Load Failed: %s
2178 User Custom File Object Load Failed: %s
2180 %s not in the Shipping Profile: %s
2181 %s not in the Installation Profile: %s
2182 Cannot write the %s to the IP: %s
2183 Cannot write the %s to the SP: %s
2184 Archived file not in the SP: %s\n\nShipped file not installed
2185 Need a new disk
2186 Please insert %s.
2187 %s file attributes: %s
2188 not found
2189 read only
2190 normal
2191 open access denied
2192 Archive not found: %s
2193 Opening Archive: %s
2194 Updating the Installation Profile. Please wait...
2195 Component:
2196 Updating the Administration Profile. Please wait...
2197 Committing the Data to the Profile
2198 Updating Archive Data: %s
2199 All
2200 Ad
2201 Archive
2202 Archive Module Language
2203 Created File
2204 Driver
2205 Driver Ad
2207 Driver Module
2208 ENV Entry
2209 File
2210 File Group
2211 File Group
2212 File Group Ad
2213 File Group Dependencies
2214 Icon Location
2215 INI Entry
2216 Installed Icon
2217 Installed Icon Location
2218 Interface Language
2219 Language
2220 Location
2221 Master Product
2222 Module Dependencies
2223 Module Location
2224 Module Language
2225 Module
2226 Module
2227 Module Settings Record
2228 Product
2229 Product Module
2230 Persistent Setting Entry
2231 REG Entry
2232 Shipped File
2233 Shipped File
2234 Shipped File Setting Record
2235 Shipping Media
2236 Storage Device
2237 System Settings Record
2238 Resource String
2240 the CD or select the \nNetwork Location for %s
2241 Archived File not found: %s
2250 File date unknown, Shipped File not installed: %s
2251 Disk File date the same or newer, Shipped File not installed: %s
2252 Disk File Version the same or newer, Shipped File not installed: %s
2253 Shipped File was not installed, File on disk is read-only: %s
2254 Required File was not installed, File on disk is read-only: %s
2255 Shipped File not installed, Insufficient rights to directory/file: %s
2256 Shipped File not installed: %s
2257 Could not set file attribute to read-only: %s
2258 Application in use, Shipped File not installed: %s
2259 Error: Archive sequence number not found: %d.
2260 Archive
2261 Error: File cannot be copied onto itself: Shipped File not installed: %s
2262 Component is not available to be installed: %s
2263 Error: Copied file is corrupt: %s
2265 Error: Could not get the OS type for iengine.
2266 ...Verifying
2267 A workstation option in the response file is invalid. Workstation users will \nonly be allowed to do Run-from-Network installs from this network install.\n\nContinue with setup?
2268 A workstation option in the response file is invalid. Workstation users \nwill only be allowed to do Local installs from this network install.\n\nContinue with setup?
2270 Quantum File record not in the 000: %s
2274 Driver Module Group
2275 Data Version
2276 File Group Language
2277 Module Group
2278 Module Group Module
2280 Module Document Language
2281 Driver OS Document Language
2282 OS Document Language
2283 User Information
2284 User Custom File
2285 The currently installed file is marked read-only:\n\n%s\n\nDo you want to replace this file?
2310 File date unknown, User Custom File not installed: %s
2311 Disk File date the same or newer, User Custom File not installed: %s
2312 User Custom File was not installed, File on disk is read-only: %s
2313 User Custom File not installed, Insufficient rights to directory/file: %s
2314 User Custom File not installed: %s
2315 User Custom File copy success: %s
2601 Starting to configure Module: %s %s.
2602 Error:Invalid Data for constructing Shipped File: Module Name %s, Module Version %s, FileGroupName %s, File Name %s,File Language %s, in Module: %s %s.
2603 Error: The attempt to begin the MOSR query failed for Module %s %s.
2604 Error: null pointer returned for new System Setting Record: %s %s with SSR id %s and SSR type %d, for Module: %s %s.
2605 Error:Invalid Data for constructing the System Setting Record %s %s for Module %s %s.
2606 Error:A System Setting Record was not found for the Module System Setting Record %s %s with SSR id %s.
2607 The Module %s %s has been successfully put to the IP.
2608 Error: The attempt to put the Module %s %s to the IP failed.
2609 Starting to configure the Shipped File with Module Name %s, Module Version %s, File Group Name %s, FileName %s and File Language %s.
2610 Error in Shipped File: null pointer returned for new System Setting Record %s %s with SSR id %s and SSR type %d.
2611 Error in Shipped File: Data to construct the System Setting Record %s %s with id %s and of type %d was invalid.
2612 Error in Shipped File: System Setting Record not found for the Shipped File SSR %s %s with id %s.
2613 Error in Shipped File: null pointer returned from new C_II for installed icon with Module Name %s, Module Version %s, and id %d.
2614 The following Shipped File was successfully put to the IP: Module Name %s, Module Version %s, File Group Name %s, File Name %s, File Language %s.
2615 Error: The attempt to put the following Shipped File to the IP failed: Module Name %s, Module Version %s, File Group Name %s, File Name %s, File Language %s.
2616 Error:There was an error reading the icon from the database for: Module %s %s, File Group %s, File Name %s, File Language %s.
2617 The Configuration Driver (ID: %s) loaded successfully from the Installation Profile.
2618 The Configuration Driver (ID: %s) could not be loaded from the Installation Profile.
2619 Configuration (Driver ID: %s) was completed successfully.
2620 Configuration (Driver ID: %s) was not completely successful.
2621 Error:Configuration could not write Driver (ID: %s) to the Installation Profile.
2622 Module %s, version %s, could not be initialized for Configuration.
2623 Error:Cannot continue with Configuration: Response File %s is invalid.
2624 Error:Could not retrieve valid Installation Types from Response File %s.
2625 Error:No Modules were found in Response File %s.
2626 Error: Cannot continue with Configuration. Insufficient memory for Response File %s.
2628 Error:An invalid or missing Install Location Type occurred in Response File %s.
2629 System Setting Record ID %s, Module %s, Version %s, was initialized successfully.
2630 Error:System Setting Record ID %s, Module %s, Version %s, was not initialized successfully.
2631 System Setting Record ID %s, Module %s, Version %s, was aborted.
2632 System Setting Record ID %s, Module %s, Version %s, was configured successfully.
2633 Error:System Setting Record ID %s, Module %s, Version %s, was not configured successfully.
2634 Error:System Setting Record ID %s, Module %s, Version %s, could not be written to the Installation Profile.
2635 Aborted installed icon for Module Name %s, Module Version %s, Icon ID %d.
2636 Created installed icon for Module Name %s, Module Version %s, Icon ID %d.
2637 Writing installed icon location for Module Name %s, Module Version %s, Icon ID %d, Icon Location %s.
2638 Error in Shipped File: Icon Location not found for Icon Location Name %s, Module Name %s, Module Version %s, Icon ID %d.
2639 Creating installed icon for Module Name %s, Module Version %s, Icon ID %d.
2640 Error:Target file path not obtained for Module Name %s, Module Version %s, Icon ID %d.
2641 Error:Icon file path not obtained for Module Name %s, Module Version %s, Icon ID %d.
2642 Error:Could not get path for icon location: %s.
2643 Error:OleInitialize Error: %s
2644 Configuration (Driver ID: %s) was canceled by the user.
2645 The files that could not be configured due to being open during initial install have been configured. Driver id: %s.
2646 Error: could not parse the icon Target Replacement attribute for Module (%s), Version(%s), IconID(%d).
2647 Ole was successfully initialized for configuration.
2648 Error:CoCreateInstance failed: Cannot create instance of IShellLink interface.
2649 Error: Cannot get IPersistFile interface in IShellLink.
2650 Error:The Installation Profile (a vital database file) could not be opened successfully.
2651 Error:The Shipping Profile (a vital database file) could not be opened successfully.
2652 Error:System Setting Record error: Could not load Created File object (%s, %s, %s) from Installation Profile.
2653 Error:System Setting Record error: Could not load Location object (%s, %s) from Installation Profile.
2654 Error:System Setting Record error: The following Environment File could not be opened: %s.
2655 Error:System Setting Record error: Environment File switch %s, value %s, could not be written to file %s.
2656 Error:System Setting Record, Initialization File section %s, entry %s, value %s, could not be written to file %s.
2658 Error:System Setting Record (ID %s, Module %s, Version %s): Could not write value. Error Code: %ld.
2659 ERROR: The registry merge of the following file failed : file name (%s),original path(%s), modified path(%s), last error(%d).
2660 Error:Due to a %s,the registry information for the file %s failed: Module %s, Version %s.
2661 Error:A module could not be loaded for the self-reg file: FileName(%s), ModuleName(%s), ModuleVersion(%s).
2662 Error:The persistent setting SSR could not be created for: SSRID (%s) of Module (%s) Version (%s) with GetLastError (%d).
2665 Error:Could not delete the following .gid file: %s. The Help indexes for this file will be incorrect until the .gid can be deleted! Module( %s ), Version( %s )
2666 Error:Configuration Could not delete the following .gid file: FileName (%s), Module (%s), Version (%s). The computer may need to be restarted to get the correct Help indexes if the cleanup exe also cannot delete it.
2668 Error:The self-reg function failed for: FileName(%s), ModuleName(%s), ModuleVersion(%s).
2669 Error:The attempt to get the proc address for the self-reg function failed: FileName(%s), ModuleName(%s), ModuleVersion(%s).
2670 Error:The attempt to read to VERSIONINFO struct failed due to a memory error: FileName(%s), ModuleName(%s), ModuleVersion(%s).
2671 Error:The path for the self-reg file could not be verified: FileName(%s), ModuleName(%s), ModuleVersion(%s).
2672 Error:An error occurred when attempting to read the VERSIONINFO struct for: FileName(%s), ModuleName(%s), ModuleVersion(%s).
2673 Error:The self-reg code for the following function has not been implemented: FileName(%s), ModuleName(%s), ModuleVersion(%s).
2674 Error:For the following icon, there was not a corresponding Shipped File in the database: ModuleName(%s),ModuleVersion(%s),FileGroup Name(%s),ExeFile Name(%s),File Language(%s).
2675 System Setting Record ID %s, Module %s, Version %s, was not written to the registry so the existing value would not be overwritten.
2677 Error:The attempt to initialize the progress bar for the configuration dialog failed.
2678 Error: could not parse the icon Working Directory attribute for Module (%s), Version(%s), IconID(%d).
2679 Error: could not parse the icon Command Line Options attribute for Module (%s), Version(%s), IconID(%d).
2680 Error:The attempt to open or create the Fonts registry key failed during the processing of: FileName(%s), ModuleName(%s), ModuleVersion(%s), ErrorReturned(%d).
2681 ERROR: Since the attempt to create the COMMON icon location failed, an attempt to create a PERSONAL icon location was made: IconLocName(%s),OSType(%d),DefaultLoc(%s),SelectedLoc(%s),Flags(%X).
2682 Error:The .ttf file could not be registered for: Filename(%s), ModuleName(%s), ModuleVersion(%s), ErrorReturn(%d).
2683 Too Many Fonts Installed
2684 Error:The target replacement (the file the icon points to) is not installed: FileName(%s).
2685 Error:The file this icon points to was not installed: TargetFileName(%s), ModuleName(%s), IconId(%d).
2686 Error:The path or file does not exist so configuration will not be done on: PathAndFile(%s), FileName(%s), ModuleName(%s), ModuleVersion(%s).
2687 Error:(IDSTR_C_CENG_GetOSFailed) The attempt to get the OS type for cengine failed.
2688 Error:The following shortcut could not be created: Link(%s), ModuleName(%s), ModuleVersion(%s), IconID(%d), TitleResID(%s).
2689 Error:The use count could not be incremented in the registry because the SharedDlls registry key could not be accessed:ModuleName(%s),ModuleVersion(%s),FileName(%s),lReturn(%d).
2690 \nSSR Error: \nSSR Type(%s), CommonFunc(%d), APIFunc(%d), lRet(%d), AccessMask(Ox%X),\nSSRID(%s), ModuleName(%s), ModuleVer(%s),Function(%s),\nRootKey(Ox%X), SubKey(%s),\n Value Name(%s), Registry Data Type(%d).\n
3500 ERROR:The location for file (%s) of module (%s), version (%s), could not be obtained from the database.
3501 ERROR:The Begin query by files failed for file (%s) of module (%s), version (%s).
3502 ERROR:The Self-UnReg function failed for file (%s) of module (%s).
3503 ERROR:The Proc Address for the self-registering file (%s) of module (%s) was not found.
3504 ERROR:There was a memory error when processing the self-unreg code for file (%s) of module (%s).
3505 ERROR:The path for the self-registering file (%s) of module (%s) could not be verified.
3506 ERROR:There was an error when trying to access the VERSIONINFO for file (%s) of module (%s).
3507 ERROR:The removal of the following %sSSR has been aborted: %sSSRID (%s), ModuleName (%s), ModuleVersion (%s).
3508 ERROR:The attempt to instantiate an SSR for SF failed: Module(%s), ModuleVersion(%s), SSRID (%s), SSR type (%d).
3509 ERROR:The data for the following SSR is invalid: Module(%s), ModuleVersion (%s), SSRID (%s), SSR type (%d).
3510 ERROR:An %s was not found for the given %s: ModuleName(%s), ModuleVersion(%s), SSRID(%s).
3511 ERROR:Error Loading Self-UnReg Module for file (%s) of module (%s).
3512 ERROR:The Created File object for this INI object could not be found in the database: ModuleName (%s), ModuleVersion (%s), FileName (%s).
3513 ERROR:The location object for the Created File object could not be loaded: CF Location Name (%s), CF Location Version (%s).
3514 ERROR:The write of the previous value for the INI object failed: INIsection (%s), INIentry (%s), INIvalue (%s), File Path (%s).
3515 ERROR:Could not find Module object: ModuleName (%s), ModuleVersion (%s) from the %s.
3516 ERROR:The Begin Query for matching Created Files failed: FileName (%s), ModuleName (%s), ModuleVersion (%s).
3517 ERROR:The self-reg function has not been implemented: FileName (%s), ModuleName (%s), ModuleVersion (%s).
3519 You must have rights to delete Registry keys under\nHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software and HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software\nbefore you run Remove. See an administrator for this machine to get rights.
3520 ERROR:The removal from the registry of the PS value failed: SSRID(%s), ModuleName(%s), ModuleVersion(%s).
3521 Deleted File Group %s from IP.
3522 ERROR:Failed to delete File Group %s from IP.
3523 Location %s version %s is shared and will not be uninstalled.
3524 ERROR:Failed to retrive %s record %s %s.
3525 Could not instantiate a new %s\n Continue?
3526 ERROR:The attempt to get the location for the following Created File failed: ModuleName(%s), FileName(%s), Location(%s).
3527 ERROR:The created file could not be opened for: ModuleName (%s), ModuleVersion (%s), FileName (%s).
3528 Error: The attempt to begin the %s query failed for Module %s Ver %s %s.
3529 The removal process of the %sRE is complete: %sSSRID (%s), ModuleName (%s), ModuleVersion (%s).
3530 ERROR:%s object is invalid.
3533 ERROR:The attempt to write the previous PE value to the registry failed: SSRID (%s), ModuleName (%s), ModuleVersion (%s), LastError (%d).
3534 ERROR:The attempt to delete the %s from the OS failed: SSRID (%s), ModuleName (%s), ModuleVersion (%s), LastError (%d).
3535 The removal process of the %s is complete: SSRID (%s), ModuleName (%s), ModuleVersion (%s).
3536 ERROR:The attempt to write the previous EE failed: ModuleName (%s), ModuleVersion (%s), EnvSwitch (%s), EnvFileName(%s).
3537 Marking applications to remove.
3538 Removing configuration data.
3539 Removing application files and folders.
3540 ERROR:The ILT for ModuleName (%s) is undefined or NAM_ILT_UNKNOWN. Created File (%s) not removed.
3541 ERROR:The dependent module was not found in the ip: ModuleName(%s), ModuleVersion(%s), RequiredModule(%s), RequiredModVersion(%s).
3542 ERROR:The use count could not be decremented in the registry because the SharedDlls registry key could not be accessed:ModuleName(%s),ModuleVersion(%s),FileName(%s),lReturn(%d).
3543 \nSSR Error: \nSSR Type(%s), CommonFunc(%d), APIFunc(%d), lRet(%d), AccessMask(Ox%X),\nSSRID(%s), ModuleName(%s), ModuleVer(%s),Function(%s),\nRootKey(Ox%X), SubKey(%s),\n Value Name(%s), Registry Data Type(%d).\n
3544 ERROR:The DateTime field for this Shipped File is not in the data base: SF(%s), DateTime Value(%d).
3707 Found interface language for Address Book install
3708 Could not find interface language for Address Book install
3709 Corel 8 Settings
3710 Could not load address directory string
3711 Could not identify install module
3712 Could not install Microsoft Exchange. Abort Corel install?
3731 11/04/1994
3751 Silent installation could not continue because the following applications were running:
3752 Desktop Application Director (DAD8)
3753 Envoy 7 (Envoy7)
3755 Paradox 8 (Pdxwin32)
3756 PerfectScript 8 (Ps80)
3757 Presentations 8 (Prwin80)
3758 Quattro Pro 8 (Qpw)
3759 WordPerfect 8 (Wpwin8)
3760 PerfectPrint Process 8 (Pfppop80)
3761 Microsoft Windows Messaging Update
3762 Microsoft Windows Messaging files are out of date and must be updated.\n\nThe Windows Messaging Setup will now run.
3763 The Corel WordPerect Suite 8 setup cannot be run until Microsoft Windows Messaging has been updated.\n\nPlease update Windows Messaging before attempting to install Corel WordPerfect Suite 8.
3764 The Microsoft Windows Messaging setup cannot be found.\n\nLook for WinMess.exe on your Corel WordPerfect Suite8 CD or network installation.\n\nIf installing from diskette to WindowsNT, run Add/Remove Programs NT Setup to install windows messaging.\nIf installing from diskette to Windows95, download exupdusa.exe from the Microsoft web site.
3765 Corel WordPerfect Suite 8 setup could not run because Microsoft Windows Messaging needs to be updated.